My Very First Blog Post: The Start to a New Adventure

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Welcome to my new adventure, blogging! This is my very first blog post, ever! I have been wanting to start a blog for a while, but I’ve never had the courage to so until now. I’m super excited to begin this journey with everyone!

So, with this first blog post, I wanted to let you know what I initially plan on covering in my other posts. But first, I wanted to remind everyone that I am not by any means a professional. Therefore, I can only give my opinions on certain topics. I wouldn’t give you my opinions unless I knew it worked for me or someone I know.

Okay, back to the kinds of posts you can expect from me. I’ll mainly be posting about school life and self care initially. However, as I gain new experiences I’d also like to start posting about traveling and my faith as well. I know this sounds like a lot but these are all things I am very passionate about. When I was trying to decide what I wanted to blog about, I couldn’t pick just one!

School Life

My typical studying spread

To me, college brought some of my favorite memories. From joining a sorority to making new friends, and of course gaining knowledge to land me that dream job someday. As many good memories I have, I probably have just as many bad memories. Let’s face it, college is a stressful time. You have to choose what you want to do for the rest of your life. There are finals and midterms as well as papers that seem to be due every week. It feels as if the whole world is on your shoulders. My goal with these blogs is to help others who feel the same way about college with tips and tricks I’ve learned throughout my 5 years in college, both as a resident and a commuter. Also, as I gain the experiences, I will be posting about my Pharmacy School journey as well.

Self Care

Taking time to relax helps keep me calmer during stressful weeks

This is probably going to be my favorite part about this blog. Recently, I’ve become a huge fan of taking care of yourself before anyone else. I was always the kind of person who put everyone else’s feelings before my own, until I became single. I found that I was relying on so many other people for my own thoughts and feelings on so many occasions and I wanted to be able to live on my own and live for myself. That’s when I decided to start practicing self care and I’ve fallen in love with the idea and, more importantly, myself. I have found so many things that just make me feel happier overall and I want to spread that happiness around because this world needs more of that.


Myself on the top of Casa Loma

Being as I am still in school, my traveling time has been very limited. However, I love traveling all over, both with friends and family and on my own. Once I have a few more experiences to pull ideas from I hope to make this area of my blog thrive, because there is so much beauty in the world, someone needs to go explore it.


One of my favorite verses from the Bible

I know that religion is one of those touchy subjects that will either really draw people into a blog or push them out. However, this blog is not all about religion. Christianity is a big part of my life and who I am. I couldn’t imagine being where I am today without my faith. I don’t think I could have started this blog and not put anything about my faith on here. This will be a smaller portion of posts but it is an important section to me. Eventually, I’ll be posting about things I believe about my faith, because I believe there are things that are just assumed and not necessarily true. There will also be some challenges that I would like to complete myself, and I would love for you to join me in these challenges.

Thank you for reading this first blog post of mine. I hope you’ll enjoy reading my blog. I look forward to the beginning of this adventure!

If you’d like to learn more about me, make sure to visit my About Me page!

If you’re interested in building a blog like I did, check out my resources page to see the resources I used while getting my blog started!


Hi all! I am a Pharmacy student in my first year of Pharmacy School. I love spending time with my family and friends. Traveling, reading, and trying new experiences are my favorite hobbies.

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