How to Make the Best of Online Learning

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One thing that has changed dramatically since the beginning of this pandemic is how we attend school. Being in pharmacy school already presents enough challenges, but adding the barrier of online learning has made it even more challenging. Thankfully, we can attend in-person classes if we choose, but I know others may not be so lucky. So, I wanted to share some of the ways I stay successful during remote learning.

1. Find the right set up

My current virtual learning set up
My online learning setup. Although this is what works best for me, others find that they need something a little less comfortable to keep them focused.

Everyone is different and learns best in a variety of settings. And when you have more than one person trying to learn at home, it becomes even more challenging. I’m lucky to be the only one living with my grandparents now, so I have more options to choose from. I would suggest an area that you already use for studying. This keeps your school life and your home life a little more separate. I would also try and keep away from anywhere too comfortable. This is especially important for long lectures where you would have fallen asleep in the lecture hall anyway. This helps keep you in the right mindset for schoolwork.

Once you find the right setting for school, next, you need to find the setup that will work best for you. For me, I use my tablet to take notes while I run the Zoom lecture on my laptop. Since I practically live alone, I hook my laptop up to my TV for better audio and a larger picture. This is also helpful when I am typing notes instead of handwriting them since the TV acts as a second screen. I can have the Zoom call on the TV screen and OneNote on my laptop screen. This makes it a little easier to follow along instead of switching between windows throughout the lecture. This setup is just what I found works best for my learning, but everyone is different. Don’t be afraid to experiment with your options!

2. Eliminate distractions

One of the most challenging parts of online learning is the distractions. For me, eliminating distractions means putting EVERYTHING (including my phone, tablet, and laptop) on Do Not Disturb. My biggest struggle with learning from home is the urge to play on my phone during class instead of paying attention. Putting my phone on Do Not Disturb helps keep me from reaching for it when using different apps for class.

Another helpful tool to help eliminate distractions, in particular your phone, is a study timer app. I use Flora, which allows you to plant a virtual seed when you begin the timer. As long as you remain off your phone (or device), the seed grows into a plant you’ll find in your garden. It’s a great reward system that encourages you to stay off your phone.

Other distractions, such as family members or other roommates, a master schedule may be helpful. This schedule should show when classes are held and when individual household members are free. It could help reduce interruptions during class. It would be near impossible to go through every possible distraction that may occur, but these are probably the most common ones. Let me know in the comments some of the other distractions you face during remote learning and how you try to eliminate them.

3. Stay organized

The biggest reason I struggle with online learning is my outstanding skill of procrastination. Okay, it’s really not a skill, much less something that should be regarded as outstanding, but it is an old habit that I am always working on. Something that has helped me with staying on track the most is using a planner. I note due dates of assignments, quizzes, and exams and plan out my days and weeks with class times and other commitments. Every morning I make a list of everything I want to get done that day and schedule it out during the free time that’s left.

After I go through and schedule my day out, I try my hardest to stick to that schedule. Sometimes I don’t allow enough time for some activities, such as reading a chapter in a textbook, so I edit my schedule throughout the day as is needed. Sometimes things don’t get done when I want them. I have learned to set an early deadline for myself whenever possible to have some leeway when issues arise.

Staying on top of assignments and not letting the lazy bug get you is probably the most important part of having a successful remote learning experience. I’m still working on this one, and I know I’m not alone. (For more tips on staying organized, check out this post on how I keep my busy semesters organized!)

Wrapping Things Up

This is a very simplified list of how to be successful with online learning. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 (that is, easier said than done). I’m afraid this is going to be our normal for a little while longer. I’m sure I missed some tips, so leave a comment with any suggestions you may have that will help the next virtual student.

As always, if you like this post and want to stay up to date, follow me on Instagram (@averylivinglife) and Pinterest (username: averylivinglife) for news and updates on my adventures!


Hi all! I am a Pharmacy student in my first year of Pharmacy School. I love spending time with my family and friends. Traveling, reading, and trying new experiences are my favorite hobbies.

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