How to Look Like You Have Your Life Together

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Have you ever felt like your life is falling apart and the whole world can tell? As a college student this happens more times than I would like to admit. Part of getting through it, however, is putting on a brave face to do what you were made to do, and that is to be amazing! I wanted to share some tips on how I make it look (and even feel) like I have my life together even when I don’t.

Bring a Drink to Class

I always keep a water bottle in my backpack to stay hydrated throughout the day, but it also helps me feel more in control and look like I have my life together.

This goes for all classes, no matter what time of the day. For morning classes I tend to bring a hot or cold coffee or tea. I’m not going to lie, I tend to stop at the local Starbucks on my way to school, but the tip still stands. To me, having a drink in hand as you’re walking into class shows that you took the time to take care of you before starting the day. Am I saying you must go to Starbucks every morning before class? Heck to the no! But maybe bringing a reusable coffee cup or water bottle with you to class will make it seem like you have a little bit of control over getting your life together.

Besides bringing coffee or tea to class in the morning, I also always carry a water bottle in my backpack. Honestly, I carry my water bottle everywhere, whether it’s to school, work or the gym. It’s important to stay hydrated and water is the perfect way to do it. I’ve had a couple water bottles in my days because of being a dancer throughout school. Honestly, my absolute favorite is my Tervis water bottle. You can put fruit in with your water to flavor it. Plus, they come in so many designs, although I typically stick with repping my school colors or emblem. However, I also love using my water bottle with a filter built in when I’m traveling. I love that it filters the water as you’re drinking. It gives you a sense of security and safety when you use it, which can in turn make you feel more in control of the craziness in your life.

Use a Planner

Using a planner helps to keep everything going on in your life in order and can show others that you are a force to be reckoned with!

Planners are great! If you don’t remember, I wrote a whole post on semester organization and I talked a lot about planners. Another thing about planners is that using them makes you look like a grown up with their life together. You aren’t trying to remember everything off the top of your head. Things aren’t being forgotten, such as homework, exams, even work. You have organization in your life and you can handle things as they come your way.

I found that when I don’t use a planner I tend to procrastinate more often. If you’re not rushing to finish things up the day before they are due, people will look at you and think your life is together. What they don’t know is how messy your life truly is inside and the what they’re seeing is basically a mask. This mask isn’t one you’re hiding behind because of fear, but one you’re using to build your own confidence and skills for the world beyond school.

Have a Morning and Nightly Routine

At the beginning of the year I joined a weight loss group. This group isn’t a group that’s solely focused on dieting. Instead, we meet each week online and learn about how all aspects of our daily lives affect our weight loss goals. This week we are learning about having a nightly routine to help us get quality sleep at night. One of the tips is to create a nightly routine for before bed.

I already do this, although not always as consistently as I’d like. However, I found it’s great to have a nightly routine as well as a morning routine. These can be tailored to each person because no one has the same exact life as someone else. Some people don’t eat breakfast while others can’t make it to 10:00 am without eating something. Some people shower in the morning while others shower at night. Everyone is different in their own special way and that’s what makes this world so lovely to live in.

Find a routine that works for you. Write it down and stick with it for a while. Although no one will really see this change, but it will change how you feel throughout the day. Others will see it in your mood and even in your actions or reactions.

Make Time for the Gym

My indoor workout space due to the gyms being shut down. Even though it’s more difficult to do my normal workout routine, it’s still important to make the time for myself and for my health.

I know. The dreaded gym. If you’re lucky enough to have a gym membership, use it! Make the time in your day. Most of us have a favorite show on TV that’s on for at least a half hour. Go to the gym and spend that half hour or so walking on the treadmill or riding the bike. You still get to watch your show, but you’re also making progress with your health as you do so. When you’re healthy or making healthy choices, others will see that you’re taking the time for yourself.

Remember that planner a couple tips back? Schedule time at the gym. I know when I write it down somewhere I’m more likely to go. You’ll also most likely have the time to go because you won’t be procrastinating with all your assignments.

If you can’t get to the gym because you don’t have a membership or the gym is closed, try getting outside. With all the craziness going on in the world right now, it’s harder than ever to get to the gym. Some other things you can try are finding an indoor exercise routine. There are tons of these on Pinterest. Being active tends to give you a special glow that helps others see that you have your life together.

Do Things That Make You Feel Good

Find a hobby or a sport you really enjoy. Maybe the gym isn’t for you, but crafting beautiful pictures is more your style. If you can find something you truly enjoy, do it! I think if you’re enjoying your life, others will notice. That’s the key to everything I’ve mentioned today. Do what makes you feel in control of your life. Even if it’s the tiniest thing, do it. Love the life you were given!

Wrapping Things Up

I hope this post has helped you at least think of some ways to help you feel like you have your life together even just a little bit. If there’s anything you like to do to feel more in control of your life, let me know by leaving a comment below. As always, if you like this post and want to stay up to date, follow me on Instagram (@averylivinglife) and Pinterest for news and updates on my adventures!


Hi all! I am a Pharmacy student in my first year of Pharmacy School. I love spending time with my family and friends. Traveling, reading, and trying new experiences are my favorite hobbies.

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